Mar 23, 2007

Aarvarks are handy

This post is a more personal one. I don't usually like to talk about things that bother me. I am a bottler. Ok I said it, but what is bunching ma drawers today (and most others) is my EX- best friend. This bitch has me seeing red to the homicidal degree. Why you ask? Because she is a lazy, no good sack of skin. Well the skin might be ok, but what is in it is useless. Harsh , I know.... I usually don't hold grudges at all. I think this is a world record for me.

Let me take you to the beginning-

June 2, 1991 we meet. Hit it off famously. I am a scared pregnant 16 year old(just married, and no I am not from the ozarks. ) She was 20 and also pregnant so we had alot in common. We were inseparable. We both had girls, shared similar experiences yada, yada... Even accused of being of lesbian persuasion from time to time(not the case). She was single, strong and independant. She took care of her retarded mother (not a joke) and a brother in a wheel chair. She was the general manger at a restaraunt.She was tough as nails and helped me out alot back then. I admired her alot. She went along just fine then she got pregnant again. I was going through a divorce so we decided to room together. It all changed at that moment....

Suddenly, I am taking care of everyone, including random men she brought home and stray puppies. She didn't pay any bills, clean the house,bathe her child, nothing... I put up with it for about 6 months and then I bailed. She moved back with mom to live off her $4.25 an hr. and we just acted like it never happened. She moved on to get married to a loser (whom was very apparent to everyone but her) and then it really got bad. Everytime I turned around, she was begging for money, and crying on my shoulder about how douchebag lied to her all the time. Like it was some big surprise. Every SINGLE conversation(everyday) turned into this crying fit and negative agenda. I put up with it for YEARS. She ran through a very substancial inheritence(Her dad's 30 year 401-k) in 6 months. Paid no bills, bought nothing to show for it and resumed begging for money again and crying about her life while she did nothing but sit in bed and eat zingers. I would get furious and tell her to get off the pity pot before she fell in. She fell in.....

The last year has been really bad. She got approved for disability because she got some doc to say she was crazy in the head. It is really just her laziness.(Later I will post about her house keeping skills. TOO long for this post) She wants to sit on her ass and get paid. Whammo presto she did it. I recently quit participating in her life completely because she let her daughter drop out of school because she had some 17 year old boyfriend she couldn't be away from for 2 seconds. Lazy bitch just got tired of taking her daughter to school. The younger one is flunking first grade(round 2) because she can't be bothered to take him to school either (3 blocks away) If he won't get dressed, she just goes gives up. She refuses to make either one of her kids go to school. It is just too much hassle. However there are laws forbiding this and now she has a $5oo.oo fine. But her is the best part!!! She is hitting up a 15 year boy who's parents have a little money to pay it. The best part is, the daughter will pay him back.... if ya know what I am talking about ;O

Sooo... I am done. This post cannot even convey how tedious this friendship has been. I literally could write a book on this bitch. I just hope I have mad it somewhat translucent as to what I am ranting about. I don't know what to do anymore to help her. I feel I have enabled her more than help. I always came through with money and support. Sometimes it isn't the right way to help people I guess.

If you have made it this far her is something for you to look at-


Mob said...

Wow, and I thought I was your shittiest friend.

Seriously, I've been aware of the majority of what you're writing about as it happened, and there's obviously no helping her, because if you give her a fish, she'll ask for another, and if you teach her to fish, she'll just beg at the lake from the other fishermen.

Blancodeviosa said...

Hey that is a great analogy, I will have to remember that. Oh Clever One

captain corky said...

Soon the state will come and take her kids away. Pretty screwed up shit.

Drizel said...

Ghee chicky, she is crazy.
But you did what any good friend would do, she just did not appreciate you. Dont get angry, just breathe, its her mess!
Have a good week...:)

Pookie said...

You are such a nice person. To put up with that for so long. WOW!

I hope she knows what she lost!

You are a strong person for walking away from that, and not being sucked in like some folks are. GOOD FOR YOU!!! :)

I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH! (no, I'm drunk, I just play one in real life) haha

Blancodeviosa said...

corky- i can only hope so, but i don't really want to be the one to call the state, you know?

etain-i worry less about it everyday

pookie- i think the only loss she feels is in her pocketbook. i did get sucked in for so long, that i nearly lost my marriage, and put myself in a bind for a long time.
and you are a drunk, just admit it.ahahahaa..... i love you too!!!

Knitty Yas said...

okay so now that i've read this i feel i need to get off my ass and do something with my fucking life. that just scares me.

it scares me that i might become like that one day. that i might wallow in my shit for so long that i'll become comfortable and never get out of the habit. thats gotta stop now.

i should thank you. your friends crazy ass life story is my wakeup call.

luv ya sistah. seriously. thanks :)