Mar 9, 2007

My current fears

I think I have the strangest fears when I actually give it any thought. I don't fear bugs, snakes, etc... Just random weird shit.

This is my list-

*Knocking on doors

*Entering a room with a closed door


*Turning my back to a mirror

*Pictures of frogs

*Changing my routine in ANY way. (I am anxious about something really bad happening all day if I even put my makeup on out of order)

*Looking under the bed

*Sleeping with my feet out of the covers

*Canned biscuits


*Convienence stores

*Sleeping without my t.v. on

*Sea eels. I never go to the ocean, they can't hurt me, but they haunt my dreams.

So... Let me know if you guys have any random weird fears so I don't feel so alone.


DobyD said...

Fears in common
*Looking under the bed
*Sleeping with my feet out of the covers (I always feel like somthing is gona grab my feet)

When i was a kid i would be afraid of the pool light on the deep end cause i thought it would shoot out electrcic eels.

Those are my child hood fears.

The only thing i fear now is fear itself. Its what holds all of us back.

Nikki Neurotic said...

I'm scared of heights to the point I don't even like seeing pictures of people standing on ledges and stuff like that (ex. a worker standing on a scoffolding) nor do I like reading about heights.

4 Non Blogs said...

I too, suffer from the fear of sleeping with my feet out of the covers. My wife, on the other hand, can't stand hers covered up.

I makes for an intersting blanket tango.

"Pictures of frogs" made me laugh...not actual frogs..but their photos.


Blancodeviosa said...

ajbendana- hi!i think these fears are pretty common for alot of people. and i also have a fear of pool drains. i forgot that one...the unfortunate thing is i didn't grow out of my childhood fears. :(

silver- strange thing is, i love!!!! heights. i can't wait to go to the grand canyon and do the sky walk. i donunderstand the fear tho. i think it's the lack of control of gravity. we always fall like big dumb rocks.

sKin- ok soo you got me twice today. are you trying to kill me? ahaha.. my hell will be a room full of frog pictures. are you happy now!!?

Pookie said...

I fear being in a pool or a jacuzzi (sp?) by myself with no one around. (too many horror movies I guess)

I also have a fear of looking out of windows at night. Growing up, my brother scared the hell out of me. I opened my window blind and my bro's face was plastered to the window, but he had a stocking (pantyhose) over his head so I didn't know it was him. I screamed, and had tears in my eyes. Now, years later, I hate looking out of windows at night. Scared someone will be standing there peering back at me.

Knitty Yas said...

i fear looking out of windows at night but thats because when i was 15 i was alone in my mom's house and there's this huge window in the living room and the curtain was open and i glanced toward it and saw a creepy old man staring at me through it and i screamed and grabbed a silver candlabra and ran out there ready to bash some heads to find nothing... not even a footprint in the dirt by the window. now... i cant handle looking out windows in the black of night. cant do it.

i also fear large dogs biting my face off.

and waking up to find zombies outside my apartment. i'm tellin you. no other horror movie subgenre has warped my mind like the undead. its completely fucked me up. i cant handle them. even games like resident evil gives me nightmares.

i'm also afraid of being alone and unloved for the rest of my life.

i'm afraid of scorpions. bad. real bad.

lastly... i'm afraid of doing stuff alone. i used to just get up and leave no preamble about it. just go! now... i get all nervous. anxiety.

public buses give me panic attacks.

Blancodeviosa said...

yas- maybe you should lay off the horror movies. great imagination though. i dig it. and you won't be alone forever. it's just a matter of finding *the one* or at least a decent one. as for eating alone and such, i actually don't mind that, but i understand because i used too. why it changed i'm not sure though??