May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell

I will leave leave my personal slant out of this because it might be offensive to some or most. I don't know, but non the less, the dude is dead.


Big Pissy said...

LOVE today's photo!

Jerry Falwell? Not so much....

Blancodeviosa said...

awe thanks!

Me neither.

captain corky said...

The first thing I saw when I signed on to the Internet this evening was, Christian Right Crusader Dies: Falwell Founded Moral Majority. How do you remember him?

Corky: In my nightmares? Is this a trick question?

Anonymous said...

I think your "personal slant" is abundantly clear. ;)

Jay said...

I have nothing to say about Falwell. Okay, I have a lot to say about him, but won't.

Cool pic of the bananas though.

Blancodeviosa said...

jay- ok, u can, i just wanted to see what people actually thought of him. i think he was a douche. is it ok to call a dead guy a douche?

Malnurtured Snay said...

Awww, the cute puppy is a workout lightweight.

Blancodeviosa said...

snay- yeah she's a lazy bitch

4 Non Blogs said...

I'm pretty sure I saw Tinky-Winky dancing on his grave singing "Whos's a fag now, motherfucker?".

Could be the meds, though.

Blancodeviosa said...

skin- ahahaha... i would pay to see that!
that is too fucking funny!

Blancodeviosa said...

skinny- i was about to converse with the talking board to see if you were dead.
i was beginning to wonder Yo..

Blancodeviosa said...

oh and i heard rumor boy #2 was coming back here?
any truth to that?

4 Non Blogs said...

Good lord...he told me he was thinking about it. How did you know?
I hate the 'net.
Innanet always gettin all up in my bizness.
Is your daughter and my son chatting up? Keep her the hell away from him. He's bad news. That's a scary :P

I've been around. My other site got hacked, so it made me really not give a flying fuck about this shit period. I've been doing gay things like spending time with my family, going to the ocean, getting high on jesus. Ok, not the last thing, but the rest is true.

Big Pissy said...

This has nothing to do with Falwell....I just had to tell you I love today's photo!

Thanks for the thinking of me! :)

Drizel said...

Good pic of the doggy...and the guy is dead I never even knew he existed...keep safe chicky:)

In Ink said...

Mmmmmmm....nanas. Gimme!

Blancodeviosa said...

skin- its just a rumor, thats why i asked you first. and of course boo and c wouldn't be mixing too much. the age difference you know ;)

well i am glad your doing the family thing and enjoying yourself.
now i will stay out of your bizzness..

pissy- your welcome. little moral support. you won't see me with one of those things

etain- you didn't miss much

michael- ahahaha..

Anonymous said...

I try to ignore right wing, opinionated, judgemental people, just don't tell me you speak for God.
I won't speak bad of someone who's died, I'll let history do that.