May 23, 2007

Past Transgretions

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Last night I caught my reflection,
As I past the closet door.
I stopped at once to ponder,
Where all the years have gone.
Just yesterday the kids were small,
And hanging on my side.
Innocent, smiling and so full of life.
Their whole world still in store.
So much time I've wasted,
Not being the person I should.
So many hearts I've injured,
While taming my rampant soul.
Stranglely tormented twisted mind,
Thoughts so out of control.
I've bled myself so many times,
I never knew self worth.
For all this I plead for respite.
Take please my confession,
To keep me here evermore.


Anonymous said...

I think you deserve a respite, I just wish I could help you feel it for yourself.

Blancodeviosa said...

macguffin- i think you need it more than i..

In Ink said...

You were in one of your 'up' moods when you wrote this weren't you?

Seriously entertaining read :)


captain corky said...

Amazing poem! You should submit some of your stuff to bardouble. She's got a cool poetry site.

Anonymous said...

You have a wonderful way of writing and expressing yourself.
Thank you so much for sharing this part of yourself.
This is a great poem about self reflection.
Poet/Photographer, you have a lot of talent blanco.
I'm so happy you decided to stop by my blog and put Fred Willard into my story so I could discover your blog.

Jay said...

You're being awfully self-critical there in that one. Very expressive though. You've got serious talent.

Blancodeviosa said...

michael- "up"? guess you can say i am always this way. i can be happy/mad/poo-poo head all in a single moment ;)

captain- ok, i will check it out. i submit to helium also

cat- well you know me and fred are tight :)
i am glad i found you blog. very uplifting..

jay- no, i just think it keeps me humble

cathy said...

The pics are great too

Dayngr said...

excellent poem

Anonymous said...

The cyber water picture is fantastic.
Have a great weekend, hope you are feeling better blanco.:)

Blancodeviosa said...

cathy- thanks girl :)

dayngr- thank you very much!

cat- i am better. thank you for inquiring. you have a great weekend too! :)