Apr 10, 2007

I have grumble pants on

I never know when to shut the big hole at the bottom of my face. I was running around ranting and raving, carrying on that I fucked up our Grindhouse viewing day :(

I suck so bad...

I get back to work this morning and we have no phone service. I can only say YIPPIE!!!! to this. I know business suffers, but I don't have to listen to pissed off oilmen who all think they crap is first priority and they have the balls to let you know it. These are rednecks with money.. The worst kind to me. Ignorant , loud and spitting chewing backy all the way back to thier Denali work-truck. Bleh... I think a major attitude adjustment is in order ;)

So here's something fun kids.. i laughed my ass off. http://www.dailyhaha.com/_vids/gheadslap.htm


4 Non Blogs said...

You gotta deal with pissed off oilmen?!?! Pfffft....
Welcome to my world, sista.
And I tried your little link.

Thanks for getting me busted at work.
'Category "Tasteless" is banned."

Yet, they let me show up everyday...

Blancodeviosa said...

hey, i didn't tell you to click at work!!

Pookie said...

hey, i represent that remark about oilmen. only i don't have the denali... or the money...or the toobacky...or the balls...or the...

How long was the service out? Don't you know who I am...what if I had to call to bitch 'bout summin'? I'm not loved. gwarsh. *sniff* *sniff* :(

moohwah. byee

Nikki Neurotic said...

I'd love it if the phone at work broke...maybe then people would stop calling in late, or calling out at the last minute. Of course, I'm sure they'd find a way around that...they always do.

All I can say about that video is...ouch!

Blancodeviosa said...

oh pook you know i love ya ;)

siver- our guys don't bother to call in anyways. people suck

Knitty Yas said...

OMG Hahahahahahaaa!!! oh my god girl!!! ;p first the pic which i had to show everyone because it made me choke on my rockyroad ice cream then the vid!!!! hahahahahaha

i hope your day rocks. ;p

Blancodeviosa said...

i am just glad you are ok..
yes she is nut..
and i have more pics whee..
they are also going to make some videos. you will get a glimps of what i deal with these two!
never a dull moment