Jun 8, 2007

More Insight in to My Crazy Dreams

The sand is blowing with mighty force.
It creeps into every pore and crevice.
This sandy, salty feeling as I dump my shoe.
Bracing against a branch full of thorns as
another gust pushes me backwards.
Squinting at the sun as I wish for...
Clouds, thunder, death, elephant (ha, got you there)
Anything but this.
Lone, desolate isolation as I am banished to
this place.
Deserted land that stretches as far
as the eye can see.
Wiping the sweaty grit from my brow,
I amaze myself and pray;
to a higher power than I to remove
me from this place.
An unforseen force tightens my grip on the
the thorny limb.
The blood drops heavy to the ground.
Wincing, I ask again for rescue
from this desparate lonliness.
Nothing but silence now...
Looking left and right,
I finally look down upon my feet.
My shadow lingers there
puddled around my tattered shoes.
Suddenly it jumps up and grabs me by the neck
forcing me to the ground.

Ok, at this point, I think I woke up. If anyone wants to dream analyze this, be my guest. I have some severly strange dream encounters.


captain corky said...

Wow! No analysis to offer, but I'm impressed with the writing.

In Ink said...

I'm sure there is some deep meaningful explanation for all of this but I'm not going to attemp an analysis. I fear what is left of my sanity wouldn't survive the exercise :)

Best use of the "elephant (ha, got you there)" trick I've ever seen btw.

Blancodeviosa said...

corky- i am stumped too. i once had a palm reader tell me i see things on a higher plain. whatever that means? probably bogus hocus pocus

michael- awe come on. my sanity is dwindling here!

4 Non Blogs said...

Stop eating those peanut butter and Pez sandwiches before bedtime. I know the Skippy holds the Pez in place oh so nicely, but you gotta stop.


In Ink said...

Oh, alright, if you insist. I have way too much time on my hands today anyway.

You are going through a period change, great inner turmoil, and some of your new perspective/attitudes to life is in conflict with your reality.

You may be feeling coerced to do/be something which is in conflict with your changing attitudes. While you know that you have the ability to succeed in changing some aspect of yourself with which you are unhappy you have first to accept yourself for who you are and come to terms with some past trauma.

You feel like you are alone in your struggle and/or fear rejection if you voice your opinions and come into conflict with friends/loved ones but deep down you want to stop let go and let a higher force (fate?) deal with the consequences because it is exhausting you.

So, there is an aspect of yourself that you are repressing for fear of rejection because it does not jiving with how you feel people expect you to be.

Of course, this is just as (more?) likely to be complete piffle but it was an interesting exercise.

Oh, next time you want someone to climb inside your head, give them a crash helmet.


Blancodeviosa said...

skinny!!!! thanks for the advice assmunch

michael- ummm.. i am completely speechless. maybe you should do this for a living. wow

In Ink said...

If it pays better than the job I'm in I will! It was a little vague, sorry, just did it on the fly.

Anonymous said...

wow that's too deep for me.
Whatever you're going through I hope you get through it soon.

Paul Champagne said...

did you get medicine for your beta?

Oh yeah the dream ... it's obvious that there is something missing from your life. It is something not obvious to everyone else but so obvious to you that it grabs you by the neck.

I got my Psycology Degree from Northern Utah Technical State or NUTS.

eric1313 said...

new visitor owing a nickel here.

you feel unsure of your current life path, though you are obviously ambitious and forage onward with the determination of one who has a lot of fucking bills to pay, etc. But what you fear is the darkness, the unknown--the future--might have a suprise for you, and one that will be nasty enough to involve necks and takedowns. That's never good, as well you know or you wouldn't have thrownm it to the public.

Just keep writing.

By the way, my ex was a gypsy fortune teller, no Borat joke.
If you see on a higher plain, according to fortune tellers, you are loose with your pocketbook, or at least that's what they are hoping for. Good thing you didn't fall into, "you know? Nobody understands that about me...", or they would have had you gypsy style.

4 Non Blogs said...

what happened to your myspace, dillweed?

Angry Empanada said...

oh my god your writing blows me the f*ck away every time.

missed me? lol

shadap i know you did. hehehe

Blancodeviosa said...

cat- no worries matey.. i am just fine :)

paul- yeah i got medicine, but it's not working that well. wanda is a reeealy old beta and lives obviously to get over the stigma of having a girls name.
and yes i recognize the degree. thats where i got my writing certificate.

eric- welcome!! well actually i didn't have to pay more. she just said i was marked. whatever that means?

skin- myspace hates me. they feel the need to delete me every 3 months or so

yur crockiness!!!!! oh hell yes i miss you... every stinking day

cathy said...

Is there nothing I don't have in common with this michael person! Only last week I was analyzing a dream on limpy's blog.
Michael did a more proffessional job though.
Here I am blanco on your blog commenting on my brother's comment instead of your post, please don't analyze that!

And finally great poem, scary dream.The inside of your head looks about as loopy as mine and I thank you for that.

cathy said...

you owe me an f