Jul 17, 2007

It's Fun to Stay at the........

avatars myspace with Gickr


captain corky said...

I hope the aardvark didn't have to much trouble digesting you. ;)

Blancodeviosa said...

well, i am still here.

the end of time...me, dirt and roaches

Anonymous said...

Ha! That's really cute.

Anonymous said...

your dogs are so cool. I like the pic too.:)
regurgitated blancodeviosa..ummm, well at least you can still post.

Blancodeviosa said...

macguffin- just please don't tell you dad. he thinks i'm workin' ;)

cat- i bet you all get sick of seeing my dogs...woops, too bad! and yes i can post even if it means i get no work done. ehh

Jay said...

Is it REALLY fun to stay at the YMCA? I've never stayed there. Actually, I've never been to one. Am I missing out?

asianboy said...

cute dog!!!

Anonymous said...

I meant the Boyo but Nietzsche's cute too.

Blancodeviosa said...

jay- duh.. like the village people said so

insane- thanks, he is quite a fat cute thing.. it would be perfect if his breath didn't smell like dead tuna

Blancodeviosa said...

i got it dude!

eric1313 said...

I love the new ways we have to make things that look awesome on the internet as a hoke and still call it art.

Nice animation skills.
People pay lots of cash to learn these on correspondence programs. You could teachy the course already!

eric1313 said...

Plenty of reasons to wear socks at my blog today!

Blancodeviosa said...

eric- there really isn't anything to it but thanks :)
uh-oh getting a might chilly over there?

Nikki Neurotic said...

Haha, that's cool.