Jul 9, 2007

Meme at the Mulberry tree

1. Every time I say that I am not going to eat ice cream, I eat an entire pint. Then I puke because I am lactose intolerant
2. I can still put my legs behind my head, but I fear snapping one of my legs off now, so I rarely try. I am comforted knowing I still can
3, I have not overcome my fear of jello
4. Every time I see a butterfly, I have to fight the urge to follow it.
5. I hate listening to rap. My daughter subjects me too it. I want to jump out of the car even if I am driving
6. I REALLY hate rap. Just thought I would mention that
7. Hell will freeze over before I like rap
8. YOUR TURN .What do you THINK you know about me?

Since everyone I know has probably already done this, I will leave it up to you. If you haven't knock yourself out


Jay said...

I'm guessing that when you follow butterflies you don't walk in a straight line behind them. I bet you follow along in zigging and zagging path they fly in.

Blancodeviosa said...

jay- are you stalking me. how could you possibly know this?

Paul Champagne said...

If you want, I can e-mail you some rap.

Blancodeviosa said...

paul- pass >:(

Anonymous said...

I think I know something about you...you don't like rap.:)

cathy tagged me with this so I'll be doing it anyway.lol

In Ink said...

That whole butterfly thing was beautiful. Now if I can just get that whole image of a butterfly sitting with its legs behind its head, eating ice cream then puking when forced to listen to (c)rap 'music' it will be more beautiful.

p.s. I would just like to take this opportunity to point out that I had nothing at all whatsoever in any way shape or form to do with Cathy tagging you. She is evil and needs no encouragement from me.

Blancodeviosa said...

cat- you know, i don't really like rap

michael- yes in a beautiful world.....

and no she's not. be nice!

4 Non Blogs said...

I was gonna say something about the whole legs behind your head thing and about that being how you stole my friend from me but decided against it.


And I hate rap so much that I kill black people just to try and put and end to it.

Blancodeviosa said...

shut it!