Jul 31, 2007

Potatoes and Mormons

Yes, there alot of them here. Not that I have a problem with potatoes or freakishly smiling people eager to help you see your evil ways.

speaking of, i need some coffee

i in fact am having a wonderful time with my family. we have gone to see the sites and caught up with old times. even grandma seems more chipper with the bestest grand daughter around. it's been a blur of activities and insane antiquing.

i make it insane by gawd!!

i will be home soon, so all 7 of you can get ready for that. i will fill you all in later on details and pictures. and remember- grandma always said there was a reason women shouldn't eat too many onions.

I've learned my lesson..


Al said...

It's been a whole damn month and not a drop of coffee for me.
Sucks hairy hoop.
I've given stuff up before, and stuck to it with no worries, but this is a tough one.
Really? Can you eat too many onions? Unless you're eating them raw like apples that is... ;)

Blancodeviosa said...

are you a mormon?
oh god say it aint so..

and no, you can't overdose on them (theoretically) but they do linger on women. crude enough for you? bleh.. i am a disgustingly nasty creature

Al said...

Bless you pilgrim - but fuck no! I have guzzled so much of the black stuff over the years that it's staining my fangs. I'm having them bleached with peroxide gel each night, and the dentist told me to lay off anything that will stain them. Bastard.
Hey maybe you should try lots of strawberries instead of onions if that happens? Might be fun to find out!

eric1313 said...

Nothing wrong with bringing insanity everywhere you go. I blame them when I get out of hand!

Mormons? The people who calmed their main dude was walking around out west, stubbed his toe on a rock and kicked up a "lost" section of Bible that basically said, hey there's more prophets, this guy's one right here!, and there's a new holy land lets go steal it, there's a new-new covenant only with us, and if menfolk want a whole big mess of wives, then that's just the way it is in their familly. Be nice, and he'll let you have a daughter later on down the line? those people, right?

My sister got a bible from them because she wanted to read it. She's as bad as I am about going to church (neither one's been in one for an actual service in almost two decades), but she reads her giant print bible every night, and I opperate off memory from bible beatings as a child. But now they won't leave her alone, and keep trying to get her to go to their church and most likely give them money. When religious nuts bother me about church and money, I quote them some good scriptures that say God hates the nations of earth, and god hates money and lovers of money. Gow ill punish those who twist His words for a thousand generations.

They always leave me alone really fast.

Yep, just felt like writing. Talk to ya later.

Jay said...

Mormons are different. I get a little tired of them always being in a good mood and always smiling and they have such good God Damn manners it makes me sick.

Unknown said...

Just for a minute there I was slightly concerned about the women shouldn't eat too many onions thing. I know onions can cause anaemia in dogs so dogs shouldn't eat them, but women? I was quite relieved to see you were only referring to their odour, Whew! No need to consult the hypochondriacs almanac for that one then!
You seem to be having fun, you're so lucky to still have grandparents, I miss mine. Have a great time , see you soon!

captain corky said...

I'm not a mormon, but after watching Big Love I want to be one and have 3 wives.

Anonymous said...

oh no Mormon country!
I know you will remain strong and resist the temptation to join.lol

Al said...

Tag you're it ~ over at my blog

Blancodeviosa said...

al- oh praise jebus. i was scared for a second. i am glad to see it's just a teeth issue. i on the otherhand like my teeth to look wood glue. ewww...

eric- they leave me alone too. the last time they came to the door i handed them a watchtower. they exscramed quickliaah. now when the joho's come back i can recycle the mormon literature. it's a vicious cycle..
and no worries. you can blab here anytime ;0

jay- well you are a cynical bastard. ahahaha..
ok yeah that was dumb

pauline- ahahaha.. no worries. just nasty!!
i do love my grandparents very much. i kid them cuz i love

queen- oh hell no!! i have had many cups of coffee and lots of cigs. fuck a bunch of them!

corky- thrice the nagging. sounds charming

cat- hi!! OOPS. too late. since fred joined i can't resist much longer. must be strong! ;0

al- okey dokey. i will do them now. i hope it makes sense. i have the bad kind of insomnia. you know the kind that keeps you up all fucking night!!

Nikki Neurotic said...

hurry back you, i'm bored.

eric1313 said...

how's the land beyond time's broken fingernailed grip?

Actually, I have no idea where you all are, I just hope it's fun. Peace and thanks! It's good to know that people welcome reasonably well thought out insanity.